
DJ KEA is a all-round DJ playing open format.

He started as a radio jockey back in 1985 in one of Norway’s first local radio called Myrvang Radio, he started almost at the same time as a mobile DJ for youth clubs and events. At the age of 19 he got his first resident club in Tønsberg called After Eight. That time he played on vinyl and did so to he tock a small break because of day job and he started a family.

In 2015 he was thinking about taking the old hobby back into life, he had always kept his passion to music alive and also got a smal controller from M-Audio that he had been playing with. So in 2015 he start to buy some new equipment and played as DJ on small events. One thing led to the other and he was asked to do bigger events and nightclubs.

In the year 2022 he`s been doing 32 commercial jobs and some pro bono work beside this. The jobs have been varied between afterski, nightclub, weddings and events.